Vigilance Monitor

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Driver Vigilance Monitor

Driver Vigilance Monitor is a device which continuously monitors the physical and mental condition of an operating person (Driver). Driver’s physical and mental condition is a major cause of traffic crashes all over the world. This may be due in fact to a lack of concentration, attention, or other medical conditions, frequent yawning, difficulty in keeping eyes focused, constant head nodding, increased or decreased eye blinking, daydreaming/zoning out, and slower reaction time. To monitor driver vigilance is a complex problem that requires an user accepted system able to measure and interpret the symptoms independently of driver’s characteristics, way of driving environment and then to warn the driver about the current situation. Since more then ten years, all over the world several teams have tried to propose solutions. Unfortunately, up to now, no efficient and reliable system could reach the market .So, to avoid those conditions we developed a “Driver Vigilance Monitor” device.

Driver vigilance monitor is designed in the form of ear bud or ear piece which is more comfortable for the driver. It can detect lack of concentration, attention, or other medical conditions, frequent yawning, difficulty in keeping eyes focused, constant head nodding, increased or decreased eye blinking, daydreaming/zoning out, and slower reaction time by using accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, electroencephalography (EEG) and/or electromyography (EMG) and Ear canal Pressure sensor in the form of earbud.

This device also communicates with secondary devices ( i.e. car console, train console, tablet, mobile phones….etc). This secondary device may be configured to determine the operator’s posture and estimate deviations based on stated or predefined target function thereby assessing the focus and/or attentiveness of the operator.
