Our Vision


“Leveraging technology to provide reliable and energy saving products that can bring meaningful change to human life”

Smart Rotamach develops solutions to customers which keeps in view the total efficiency of the system. We design and develop complete system which keeps in view the motive requirements of the system and develops most efficient drive and IoT, Bluetooth, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence and most efficient motor controllers in the operating needs of the system.

Our Products

Products Designed by Us

We provide a Wide Variety of engineering and design services in the following areas:

Smart Earbuds and Wheelchair Controller

Variety of MEMS based products using Accelerometers, Gyro, 6/9 DOF IMUs, ExGsensors etcfor Medical, Gaming applications

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product that is Made in India, Improve Air Flow in Your Facility with an HVLS Fans

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EV Power Module

Create Designs & Technology for EV Charging Systems. smart products and focuses on providing solutions in the areas of EV Charging and IoT.

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Smart Digital HA

A hearing aid is a small electronic device which can be worn by people with hearing loss. It makes some sounds louder so that a person with hearing loss can listen, communicate, and participate more fully in daily activities.

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We Deliver Our Best Solution With The Goal of Trusting



Bio Medical Devices

Smart Hearing Aid

Motor Drives and Controllers

Embedded Software Design

Embedded Hardware Design

EV Charging


A world of opportunities to engineer the future

We are a global technology company at the epicenter of the mobility revolution. No industry offers more fast-paced change and opportunity for growth. Working at Visteon is not a destination, it’s a journey. Join us to begin yours.

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